
We're glad you're here.

 Featured Events

Sunday, October 13:
10 am           Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel

Tuesday, October 15:
10  am           Learn & Lunch:  Morning Bible study in the book of Proverbs followed by lunch at Cafe Vesuvio.
6-7 pm          Girl Scout Troop Meeting in Scout Hut

Wednesday, October 16:

Thursday, October 17:
9 am             The Well Wishers will be taking a trip to the NC mountains, leaving the church at 9 am and returning by early evening.  If you are interested, please contact Larry or Patricia Thomas.

Sunday, October 20:
10 am           Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
5-7 pm          Fall Festival and Chili Cook-Off:  There will be two categories for the chili cook-off, spicy and non-spicy. Please bring either chili, corn bread, chips, cheese, small canned drinks or a dessert.  There will be special activities for the children:  Bouncie House, games, roasting marshmellows and hay ride just to name a few activities.  Please sign-up on the list in the Narthex.

Sunday, October 27:
10 am           Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
12 Noon       Fifth Sunday Covered Dish Meal
1 pm             Church Council Meeting
4 pm             Women of the Well

Monday, October 28:  The bus trip to Southern Supreme will be leaving at 9:30 am and stop for lunch at Best Foods.  A donation of $5 for bus fuel would be appreciated.  If you are interested in going, either riding the bus or driving, please contact Sharon Burmahl by Wednesday, October 23.

Tuesday, October 29:
10  am           Learn & Lunch:  Morning Bible study in the book of Proverbs followed by lunch at Cafe Vesuvio.
6-7 pm          Girl Scout Troop Meeting in Scout Hut

Sunday, November 3:
10 am           Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
1:30 pm        Choir Practice
3 pm             Youth

Sunday, November 10:
10 am           Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
1:30 pm        Cantata Rehearsal
3 pm              Youth

Sunday, November 17:
10 am            Sunday School
10:55 am       Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
1:30 pm         Cantata Rehearsal
3 pm              Youth
4 pm               Women of the Well

Sunday, November 24:
10 am            Sunday School
10:55 am       Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
1:30 pm         Cantata Rehearsal
3 pm              Youth

Wednesday, November 27:

Sunday, December 1:
10 am            Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
1:30 pm        Cantata Rehearsal
3 pm              Youth

Sunday, December 8:
10 am            Sunday School
10:55 am       Christmas Cantata
3 pm              Youth

Sunday, December 15:
10 am            Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
1:30 pm        Cantata Rehearsal
3 pm             Youth
4 pm              Women of the Well

Sunday, December 22:
10 am           Sunday School
10:55 am      Worship Service:  Isaiah, The Fifth Gospel
3 pm              Youth
6 pm              Candlelight Service & Christmas Cantata

Community Outreach

CUOC suggested donations for the month of October: we will be collecting mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, salad dressing and crackers.  Also, there is a critical need for plastic bags and empty egg cartons.  Please include some personal hygiene items and individually wrapped foods for the Back Pack Kids program.

2024 Operation Christmas Child:  Our 2024 collections are drawing to a close and we will be ready soon to fill our 125 boxes.  During the month of October, we are requesting specific items that we still need:  20 boxes of crayons, 25 notebooks, 100 pens, 50 pairs of socks, 100 T-shirts, and 125 pairs of underwear.  Please bring sizes for boys, L or XL.

Glasses Collection:  Do not forget there is a receptacle in the Narthex for used eyeglasses. Please put any old glasses you have into the box, and they will go to the Sanford Lions Club.

Monthly Calendar of Events


 Welcome Girl Scouts!

Girl Scout Flyer Fall 2024 Page 1
Girl Scout Flyer Fall 2024 Page 2

Come To The Well

Shallow Well Church (SWC) exists to bring glory to God and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to live out Colossians 1:10, which exhorts us to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing much fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (NASB)." When you visit SWC, be assured that we preach and teach from the Word of God (the Bible). So if you are looking for a church that loves God and others, please come visit us!

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Spring Bible Study 2023